Who doesn’t crave for a break from daily boring routine? All of us need to LOGOUT from our so called “Normal life” to live the life we dream about. Logging out means being away from all the connections that could hold you back ( Jobs, family, mobile,etc.) Being away from these at least for a week can bring a major change in yourself. Initially it is going to be difficult, eventually you will love it. I practice this once a year and that is when I go for trekking. This year me and my brother decided to go for the SARPASS trek in Parvati valley of Kullu. No cellphones during trek is my rule. Believe it or not, its the best time of the year for me!! No worries of the outer world, I lived those days all for myself because sometimes being selfish works for our own good. Our trek started from Kasol which is the most incredible place I have ever visited. Located in beautiful Parvati valley, it has peaceful and varied culture. Time goes slow for the people of Kasol unlike us where every minute matters. Here I learnt being patient is the key to be at peace. At the base camp of YHAI we met our fellow trekkers along with camp leaders and the management. We were introduced and oriented to each other and the trek we were supposed to go for. Teamwork is the next important value learnt. Being with a good team makes journey a happy ride. Trek challenges us physically as well as mentally and willpower is our strength. The greed for a better view motivates to reach the next camp. Our journey was filled with lot of songs, masti, chattering and singing the praises of mother nature. Trekking for 6 to 7 hours and then sipping hot soup with a mesmerizing view is what I aim for. Every campsite was located on exquisite locations where we could relax and prepare ourselves for next day. Camp fire was the time when all of us bonded over bournvita Thanks to YHAI for having everything organized for us. People we meet on the trek are the best ones: ever ready to help, will cheer you up literally anytime and never leave your side. I was helped by all my fellow friends to reach the top. We faced rains, extreme cold weather and hailstorm throughout the journey. It was worth it all. Every sunrise and sunset made me happy to be there. Trekking at 4 a.m in morning is a feeling worth experiencing. We were lucky to have full moon and needed no torch. After 12 hours of trekking in snow, we started the descend by sliding entire mountain of snow! Snowslide and then snow fights were total Paisa vasool moment! It’s not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. – Edmund Hillary This trek gave me a calmer mind, peace and memories I’ll cherish for life. Best things, best people and best memories are made during travel. So logout and live your life! BE HEALTHY, BE HAPPENING. ![]() I met Radhika , courtesy the Himalayas on a trek , that is where always two people with same love for the mountains meet. She is an aspiring nutritionist and an amazing wanderer at heart. Each year she wanders off to the Himalayas , and has a story to tell just like this. You can follow her own blog , to know more stories or to get great tips to stay fit and fine in order to roam around the globe., I wish her many more adventures in life. Her blog - BE healthy Be Happening. As winter is near , the trekking world is gearing up for the famous chadar trek in Ladakh. And I as one of the guide and leaders to run and lead this expedition put down my experience , how to manage the cold during this days of sub zero temparature. Here are some quick tips.
1. Acclamatisation to the cold is very neccesary. Hence reach Leh atleast two days before starting for the trek. You will be a little used to the cold and hence would enjoy more shivering less. 2. Take night walks at leh to get accustomed to the cold more. You are no more afraid of the bonechilling breezes of cold. 3. Carry hot-bags with you for the trek. A hot bag is a small leather bag able to store warm water or hot water. Not only in will help you to preserve water at night but also you can use it to warm your beds in tent by simply keeping it inside your sleeping bag as you go to sleep. 4. Avoid drinking water too much before you go to sleep. The too much water can force you to go for pee too often and then you are obviosly getting cold frequently. If you are inside your sleeping bag and stay for a time it gets warm easily but time and again doing it is hard , if you go out and come back again. 5. Wear layers of clothes rather than just good jackets. For example , wear two tshirts inside above a thermal , put a sweater on it and round off by your heavy jacket at last. 6. Breathe in from your right nostril. This is a yoga process you can learn from youtube that can warm you up instantly. Practiced by the monks sitting in those monastries in the cold . 7. Avoid washing face or using water till the sun hits the ground in morning. No matter how much you are habituated with things in a day to day life , avoid practicing those on trek such as chadar. Its not a ordinary day in your life and you must change. So , if you think you are ready to handle all this why don't you dare to do it this time with me ? Join up for chadar trek soon!!. This is my personal view of the life I have seen or rather felt in cities , as a wanderer when I come to visit it from the mountains. All views are personal please do not attach any image of what specified to yourself personally or to one city. It is the culmination of the whole experience of myself in cities.
So like every year, excited about my city hopping tour I finally come down, planned to meet friends and brothers and many new accquintances, all that seems so hopeful and fun. I get to meet them eventually but in the meanwhile I have observed so much which I thought I must put down to see if any other people has the same views or felt such. I take the public transport , the metros , I see a lot of faces and people. All suited and booted heading for something important. Must be worth life and death I belive as the seriousness on their faces are immense. They don't smile or even exchange looks with eachother standing or sitting side by side. They are I guess following the obligation taught to them as children , Do not talk to a stranger!!! Well where I come from, stranger or friend does not matter we greet eachother and smile, thats how I lived for seven months in Kasol and hence this very normal thing in metro seems so abnormal. Not just the metros but also passing by the lanes and roads among crowds you see the same. I then try to smile at some and heres how it goes... I smile to a beautiful lady walking by , she gives me a stern looks which reads " back off desperate pervert" !! I smile to a well dressed guy , he reacts with huge eyes , reaction reading " do I know you , if not why are you smiling" I smile to a couple their reaction states " he must be crazy "... I give up smiling eventualy. Most people I come across , are hooked to their latest gadgets , majorly the expensive and pretty mobiles. The way they are holding it and caring for it , I am sure if they fall down , they would rather break their limbs than to have a scratch on it. They seem to be playing games or music, great thing but they don't appreciate the sunny sky today or the cold breeze that just soothe their souls. I don't know if they belive they have one. I guess I am not comming across humans anymore , machines mostly. All dressed in shine and suits, looking perfect as they can be , trying to hide the imperfections and mask all the emotions. Emotions are bad I guess for this life. Wait is it life or a system or just a habit. I go out for dinner with my brothers , we talk of different things but mostly of the new pay rise that can be or change in company that can give them higher salaries. We also talk of the new insurance or investment they did, they compare their benefits that they are promised after 20 years. Twenty years , I am sure I am not gonna be there watching them enjoy their fruits then. They complain sometimes how they are struggling everyday going to office and comeback, doing the same thing. I ask them to change , take a break and come to the mountains to me. They say not possible or will plan in distant future. Plans never happen , never did. Some are so sad they are thinking of resigning but then the security that comes with job is too alluring to leave. Security... is it or just a illusion??? Too tough to break they say , I guess it is but is it harder than following a routine , being machine , doing same thing over and over again and calling it life. Oh welk I just thought , I do not try to speak , last time I did , I was called fickle minded , with no responsibilities or obligation, hence I would never understand. To whom do they have more responsibilities than themselves I wonder... We exchange questions , what are the plans for future, where to get settled or married. Everyone has a good answer , mostly the city they like and the girl they love. Me .... well I say " its still an adventure". They give a mocking look like the audiences in a circus to a Joker. The night sky , no stars to see. I guess they say its the pollution or is it the vision I wonder. I see a guy comming talking on his phone walking hurriedly, his tshirt states " Born Free" . Society or slavery? Slaves to clocks going tick tock , slaves to trying to be perfect, slaves to earning more than required , slaves to the dream of a better future screwing today , slaves to unneccesary stresses , slaves to comfort , slaves to routine and slaves to security. That is what I see. But then who am I to ask or state , this is how city works I guess. I go off to my wild again. |
Note from the Author," Travel made me rich and free. Magic and miracles are true , once you wander on the roads to places different and divine. I have collected so many thoughts and stories while being a Tour & Trek guide for last seven years. Sharing with you all, those memories and stories , and wishing you all , that someday you guys travel far and wide too. I am not a great writer , so ignore my grammar and spellings, read it with feelings, and you might just be affected with the wanderlust to hit the road" Categories
February 2022